India's Best Employers Among Nation-Builders 2023

Our Methodology
Organizations that get recognized in this prestigious category of India’s Best Employers Among Nation-Builders fulfil a set of rigorous criteria stipulated by Great Place To Work® and areGreat Place To Work Certified™ through an independent assessment carried out by Great Place To Work. The organizations should at least have an existence of minimum 10 years. They should be publicly listed in India or a Government Department or an Instrumentality of any State Government or the Central Government or a Public Sector Enterprise.?
The selection of the Top 15 India’s Best Employers Among Nation Builders is based on a combination of three factors –
Trust Index™ Survey Scores of the Organization in the Employee Survey conducted as a part of the for the Great Place To Work Certification™ & Recognition Programme.
Culture Audit™ Scores based on an expert rating given by Great Place To Work on the People Practices Submission given by the organization as a part of the Assessment for the Great Place To Work Certification & Recognition Programme.
Meeting the Eligibility Criteria for the Study and cumulative points earned against the eligibility criteria mentioned in the section below.
Eligibility Criteria for the Study
The companies should meet at least 4 out of the following eligibility criteria –
- The organization is among the top 100 highest taxpayers to the Government of India over the last 3 years.
- The organization employs more than 10,000 direct employees or more than 50,000 direct + indirect employees.
- The Corporate Social Responsibility budget of your organization is more than 100 crores OR The nature of business of your organization serves at least 50000 families or have large scale positive social impact.
- The organization’s business delivers an essential service.
- The organization gets evaluated on ESG Compliance and the ESG Score are published.
- The organization has national brand presence or impact.
- The organization have created infrastructure in the country (Physical/Technology/ Financial) as a part of its business.
- The organization has a significantly large-scale customer or consumer base across the country.
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